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Heart / Cardiovascular Consultancy Services


What is Exercise Treadmill testing?

This shows how the heart performs when you are exercising. It is usually done to see if the heart muscle is getting enough blood when you are exercising. It is helpful in diagnosing angina or changes in heart rhythm with exercise. Your exercise test would usually be performed using a treadmill and may last up to 12minutes. It starts of at an easy pace and then gets more demanding. Your ECG and blood pressure would be measured throughout. The test is conducted with full back up cardiac facilities and equipment in the rare event that there is a complication. An example of the exercise testing room is shown.
Your exercise test will be supervised by a Consultant Cardiologist and an accredited experienced Cardiac Physiologist. Your blood pressure would usually be checked every three minutes and once the exercise is completed, your ECG and Blood pressure would be monitored for approximately another six minutes.


Exercise ECG supervised by a Consultant Cardiologist
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